The attachment theory, first published by psychologist John Bowlby, aimed to understand why infants experienced psychological distress when separated from their mothers, impacting their childhood development. He found that infants and young children displayed different behavioral patterns, influenced by how securely attached children felt in relation to their caregivers.
His colleague, Mary Ainsworth, expanded on this theory by hypothesizing that there were several main attachment styles and identifying them accordingly. Observing the varying ways children reacted to attachment-related challenges, she classified their responses into one of the following main attachment styles, highlighting the significance of emotional cues, body language, nonverbal communication in forming these connections.
In securely attached adults, individuals feel safe expressing their own emotions, communicating with others, and setting boundaries. People with secure attachments tend to experience higher self-esteem and may not feel anxious or worried about their place in someone's life, trusting that people love and care about them without much reassurance.
Often, secure attachment starts when babies form connections through consistent and responsive caregiving. Here, the baby learns to trust their caregivers to meet their needs, fostering a sense of safety and emotional connection that minimizes the baby's stress. Consistent caregiver actions such as compassionate nursing and bottle feeding can influence the individual to have a more secure attachment style throughout their lifespan.
When facing an unhealthy relationship, they may feel confident in cutting off contact or removing themselves from the situation. They often don't avoid conflict, difficult conversations, or the emotional needs of others. These securely attached adults understand that emotions are an essential part of being human, and they are better equipped to form healthy relationships, including intimate relationships and romantic relationships.
There are four insecure unhealthy attachment styles, including the following:
Anxious-preoccupied: Those with this attachment style may question the intentions of others, often worry about being abandoned, or feel intense jealousy. They may go to great lengths to avoid being harmed, often ask for reassurance, and experience low self-esteem.
Dismissive-avoidant: Those with this attachment style may avoid emotional conversations or topics, keep their relationships at a distance, and shame others for their deeper feelings. They may feel uncomfortable or not know how to express their own feelings. They may reject openness or vulnerability.
Fearful-avoidant: Those with this attachment style crave intimacy and vulnerability but may become fearful or uneasy when they have it. They may end relationships early, stay busy to avoid others, or avoid intimate behaviors.
Disorganized: Those with a disorganized attachment style may struggle with features of several insecure types. They may go back and forth between avoiding intimacy and craving it. In some instances, they may ask for reassurance and become frightened; in others, they may become angry, cold, or distant.
An insecure attachment style may develop from abuse, abandonment, or a rocky relationship with a caregiver or parent. No perfect parent exists, but understanding how a child feels in the strange situation of developing an insecure attachment can help caregivers work towards helping them develop a secure attachment.
As you become an adult, your attachment style may reflect the behaviors you took on to defend yourself in a complex relationship when you were younger. For example, you may be avoidant of the emotions of others due to having an emotionally volatile parent who asked you to care for their emotional state. Or you may crave reassurance or become frightened due to a parent who was distant, neglectful, or didn't meet your needs. It is better to talk to a counselor if you feel like your attachment style turned into one of those unhealthy attachment styles.
Becoming more secure may feel highly challenging at times. Unlearning patterns from childhood that your family could have taught you may take time. However, a recent study shows that learning or re-learning security is possible. In the study, 46% of participants changed their attachment style within the course of two years.
Consider the following methods of encouraging a secure attachment style in your own life.
Boundaries may be rules that you set for yourself, your body, your space, and your belongings. Consider the following examples of boundaries:
Not letting your niece eat on your new couch
Asking a partner not to touch your face without asking
Telling someone you're not interested in dating them
Saying "no" to sex
Telling someone you need a day to think before answering their question
Rejecting a job offer
Not letting your little sister use your makeup without asking
Ending a relationship that is harming you
Telling a boss what you need to stay in a position
Boundaries do not control someone else's behavior. Others may still have the right to set their own boundaries about themselves or their belongings. Confidence in your limits may help you create a healthier connection with someone you love.
If you struggle to say "no" or bring up your needs, practice boundaries on your own first. Practice saying "no" in the mirror or ask a friend to bring up requests for you to decline. You may start small, as well. For example, you might practice saying "no" to water at a friend’s house or decline an offer to take an overtime shift at your job.
For those with insecure attachment styles, you may not know how to communicate emotions, needs, or ideas. Or you might struggle to understand when to take time away, give someone space, or let go of a harmful situation.
Learning to communicate when you don't have a healthy example may sometimes feel impossible. However, there are various resources available to help, including:
Therapy with an attachment/trauma therapist
Couples therapy
Online quizzes
Articles and online resources
Online or in-person support groups
Communication courses
You may benefit from deciding to communicate more often with those you're in close relationships with if you usually avoid conversation. If you typically initiate conversation or struggle with taking space, you may find relief from journaling your feelings or taking time out before asking to converse with someone else.
This exercise may help to get you to a "middle ground" where you can healthily communicate or take space without extreme fear, anger, or upset.
If you struggle to identify or understand emotions, it may help you to create an "emotions chart." There are several widely known emotions, including:
If visual aids help you, consider printing out a visual chart of emotions. When you feel something and aren't sure what it is, ask yourself if it matches any of the pictures or labels on the emotions chart. Doing this exercise may help you name your emotions when others ask you, "how are you feeling?"
In some cases, long-term periods of one emotional state may be due to mental health conditions or mental illness. For example, extended periods of profound sadness may be depression, and frequent feelings of fear and worry may be due to anxiety. Speaking to a counselor may also be a beneficial option for you.
Studies show that humans need social connections to feel safe and healthy, both physically and mentally. For this reason, finding safe and healthy relationships may be valuable for your health.
Unsafe relationships could cause an insecure attachment style to be more apparent, and you may not feel safe in creating a secure attachment. In a secure attachment, you may leave a relationship or be able to pick up on "red flags" before a relationship starts. If you're already in an unhealthy relationship, it may not be possible to work on your attachment style until you leave and are in a safe environment.
Someone who is safe and healthy to form a relationship or friendship with may fit the following behaviors:
They are open about their feelings and thoughts but can self-control and practice self-care when needed
They offer emotional support, kindness, and validation when they can
They do not belittle, threaten, or mislabel you
They respect your sexuality, gender identity, and pronouns
They express interest in spending time with you
They do not yell, intimidate, or throw things
They do not physically harm you
They respect your boundaries, including physical, emotional, and sexual ones
They practice active listening when you bring a concern to them
They are open-minded
They understand that no one is perfect and that mistakes can happen
They communicate when they need space or time away from the relationship
They are empathetic and compassionate
They have goals, ambitions, and desires unique to them
They have a strong sense of identity
You may find people who do not fit all these criteria, which may be okay to you. Not everyone will have healthy skills from the get-go. However, the relationship is probably not safe for you if you are experiencing threats, insults, physical or emotional abuse, or bullying.
It may feel too challenging to work through attachment behaviors alone. You may not have a healthy example in your life or want advice from a professional. In this case, counseling can be a valuable option. Online counseling could benefit those who feel most comfortable at home or have busy schedules.
Studies show that online cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) effectively treats long-term exposure to stress and trauma and the symptoms that may go with that. Further studies show that a compassionate and focused therapist can effectively treat attachment disorders or insecure attachment styles.
If you're interested in meeting with a counselor to discuss this topic further, online platforms such as BetterHelp offer an extensive database of counselors with experience in various concerns, such as trauma, anxiety, and attachment.
Read below for counselor reviews from BetterHelp users who have expressed similar concerns.
”Kerrie is very responsive and supportive. She attends to what I’m saying and finds ways to help me make connections between my thoughts, feelings, and experiences that move me towards my goals. I thoroughly enjoy working with her and appreciate the insights she offers in our sessions.”
”I am so grateful to have found such a wonderful counselor. I finally have a safe place to talk through the darkest parts of my life and continue to receive practical advice that I can actually use to cope with and heal from my trauma, and be more comfortable in my day-to-day life. I could not be more pleased with the counselor I was matched with and I look forward to every session, even if the discussion topics are rough or painful. I would 100% recommend him to anyone I know.”
A person can become more secure in their attachments. An unofficial “fifth” attachment style, earned-secure, refers to those who started with an insecure attachment style but later developed the ability to understand their circumstances, collaborate with others, reflect on their childhood, and rationalize the source of their insecure attachment.
The Attachment Project, an organization that helps people develop an earned-secure attachment style, describes how to improve secure attachment in four major steps:
Moving from insecure attachment to earned-secure attachment may be easier with the help of a therapist. A mental health professional can help you understand your attachment style, what factors contribute to it, and what you can do to become more secure.
The attachment process begins early in childhood, and a secure attachment style develops when children have attentive parents who make the child feel secure. The child can obtain comfort from their caregivers when distressed, and the caregiver is usually typically warm and nurturing. Securely attached children can also use their parents as a “secure base” to explore the environment and interact with other children. This is noticeable in toddlers, who may venture away from their parents to play but often glance back to their parents and search for them if they are not in sight.
As the child grows older, the important features of attachment remain. Parents often enforce security by providing a nonjudgmental atmosphere for adolescents to discuss problems or seek support. A caregiver often provides extensive emotional support and helps their teen learn how to navigate complex adult emotions. Generally, a strong parent-child relationship in childhood and adolescence predicts a secure adult attachment style, which can be beneficial across the entirety of a person’s lifespan.
A secure-attachment relationship is typically characterized by openness, trust, empathetic communication, and independence. Both people who began adulthood with a secure attachment style and those who attained earned-secure attachment exhibit similar relationship traits. A few characteristics of a securely attached person in a relationship are listed below:
The most effective - and possibly only - way to fix insecure attachment in a child is to improve their caregiving environment. In extreme cases, such as when child abuse is present, removing the child from the parents may be the only viable solution. Typical human development usually requires extensive emotional scaffolding from caregivers. Evidence suggests that children can form new attachments with more secure caregivers, and providing children with a safe, secure environment will likely reduce future attachment concerns.
In most cases, a child remains with their caregiver and invested parents often strive to make changes in their own behavior to create a more secure and attentive environment. Standardized parenting programs, which help caregivers learn to communicate empathetically, raise their emotional awareness, and adopt new parenting skills, have been shown to increase attachment security in children when followed appropriately.
Parents and caregivers may wish to work with a mental health professional to gain insight into their own attachment style. Considering a parent’s caregiving style is often equally important as analyzing a child’s attachment style. Many parents notice large gains in their and their child’s personal security when they commit to moving from an insecure to an earned-secure attachment style. Parents who have attained earned-secure attachment often report that it is much easier to remain attuned to their child's needs, show empathy, and see their child as independent.
An emotionally secure child needs a safe environment and a nurturing response from caregivers. A child’s ability to engage in healthy relationships as an adult likely requires a solid foundation of emotional security in childhood. Experts suggest that there are five conditions necessary to raise a securely attached child:
A secure attachment style in an adult relationship refers to a person’s ability to engage in healthy, trusting relationships. Insecurely attached people may find it difficult to trust or rely on others for emotional support, which can lead to problems in adult relationships, especially romantic ones. On the other hand, securely attached people often thrive in healthy unions and are usually willing to work on their current relationships. They can generally engage in empathetic communication and trust others easily.
Both secure and insecure attachment styles are formed during childhood. Securely-attached children tend to have parents who provide for their emotional needs as well as basic necessities. They are usually able to approach their parents for comfort and are made to feel known, safe, and valued. On the other hand, insecure attachments tend to develop when parents do not provide a child with safety, security, or emotional support.
Consider a romantic relationship between two people: Mark and Kaylee. Mark and Kaylee both have secure attachment styles, which are demonstrated through the daily interactions of their relationship. After a hard day at work, Kaylee comes home to Mark and discusses her day with him constructively. Mark listens attentively, empathizes with Kaylee, and offers emotional support. He is concerned about his girlfriend’s well-being, and her request for emotional support is welcomed.
The next week, Kaylee leaves on a 10-day trip for work. Mark isn’t concerned about her absence and looks forward to some extra time to work on his goals. Neither Kaylee nor Mark are worried about potential threats to their relationship; they both find each other trustworthy and have completely internalized that trust. Although Mark and Kaylee will miss each other, neither one is distressed by spending some time apart. Their secure attachments allow them to have deep, loving connections without sacrificing their independence.
Dr. Daniel Siegel coined the four S’s of secure attachment in his book The Power of Showing Up. Dr. Siegel is a psychiatrist who has worked extensively with children, teenagers, and families. The Power of Showing Up describes how consistent support from at least one adult can help a child become successful academically, improve their career prospects, and improve their future relationships.
Dr. Siegel’s four S’s are steeped in attachment theory and are based on the latest research regarding how parents and caregivers can best support their children. The four S’s are briefly described below:
Securely attached adults tend to have the ability to engage in healthy relationships, communicate openly, and trust others. They are usually aware of their emotions and emotional needs, being able to express the need for support when necessary. They can also typically reflect on and learn from past relationships easily.
Generally speaking, there are three key signs that a person has a secure attachment style: